
According to a radio message from September 15, 1942 and a trip report dated September 17, 1942, on 16 September

On June 28, 1943, the Central Construction Office Auschwitz wrote a report addressed to the SS-WVHA on the completion of

Report by Topf & Söhne engineer Fritz Sander, dated September 14, 1942, on the new construction of incineration ovens for

Memo by Topf & Söhne engineer Kurt Prüfer regarding a phone call with the SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt (SS Economic and Administrative Main

Report of SS-Untersturmführer Fritz Ertl, dated August 21, 1942 about a meeting with engineers Kurt Prüfer and Robert Köhler in

The Franke-Gricksch Report was written by SS officer Alfred Franke-Gricksch following his visit to the Auschwitz concentration camp in May

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