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On February 3, 1944, Eichmann's office dispatched a letter, signed by the head of the RSHA, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, to Reichsführer-SSOn February 3, 1944, Eichmann's office dispatched a letter, signed by the head of the RSHA, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, to Reichsführer-SS
The memo dated April 5, 1943, from Adolf Windecker (Representative of the Foreign Office to the Reich Commissioner for theThe memo dated April 5, 1943, from Adolf Windecker (Representative of the Foreign Office to the Reich Commissioner for the
On October 2, 1941, Office IV of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) issued Event Report USSR No. 101 (EreignismeldungOn October 2, 1941, Office IV of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) issued Event Report USSR No. 101 (Ereignismeldung
In this letter dated March 4, 1942, the Reichsarzt SS Ernst-Robert Grawitz describes the medical condition and recovery process ofIn this letter dated March 4, 1942, the Reichsarzt SS Ernst-Robert Grawitz describes the medical condition and recovery process of
On February 13, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich's adjutant, SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans-Achim Ploetz, forwarded a report from Einsatzgruppe A to the staff ofOn February 13, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich's adjutant, SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans-Achim Ploetz, forwarded a report from Einsatzgruppe A to the staff of
Paul Wurm, the Foreign Editor of the Nazi propaganda newspaper Der Stürmer and head of the so-called "Anti-Jewish World League,"Paul Wurm, the Foreign Editor of the Nazi propaganda newspaper Der Stürmer and head of the so-called "Anti-Jewish World League,"
On August 1, 1941, Reich Minister Alfred Rosenberg led a high-level meeting to discuss the governance of Nazi-occupied territories inOn August 1, 1941, Reich Minister Alfred Rosenberg led a high-level meeting to discuss the governance of Nazi-occupied territories in
Between 20 and 29 September 1942, an Italian delegation led by Fascist Party secretary Aldo Vidussoni traveled from Milan throughBetween 20 and 29 September 1942, an Italian delegation led by Fascist Party secretary Aldo Vidussoni traveled from Milan through
On December 29, 1942, SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler delivered a report to Adolf Hitler, mentioning the execution of 363,211 Jews withinOn December 29, 1942, SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler delivered a report to Adolf Hitler, mentioning the execution of 363,211 Jews within