On June 28, 1943, the Central Construction Office Auschwitz wrote a report addressed to the SS-WVHA on the completion of the third crematorium at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The document was written by SS-Untersturmführer Josef Janisch and prepared for the signature of SS-Sturmbannführer Karl Bischoff, head of the office. According to the report, Crematoria II and III each had the ability to cremate “1,440 persons” per day, while Crematoria IV and V could handle “768 persons” per day. Combined with the older crematorium at Auschwitz I, the camp’s total daily capacity reached “4,756 persons”.

28. Juni 1943
Betr. Fertigstellung d. Krematoriums III
Bezug: ohne
Anl.: -/-
An das
SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt, Amtsgruppenchef C’
SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor Dr.-Ing. Kammler
Unter den Eichen 126-135
Melde die Fertigstellung des Krematoriums III mit dem 6. 1943. Mithin sind sämtliche befohlene Krematorien fertiggestellt.
Leistung der nunmehr vorhandenen Krematorien bei einer 24stündigen Arbeitszeit:
1.) altes Krematorium I
3×2 Muffelöfen 340 Personen
2.) neues Krematorium i. K.G.L. II
5×3 Muffelöfen 1440 Personen
3.) neues Krematorium III
5×3 Muffelöfen 1440 Personen
4.) neues Krematorium IV
8 Muffelöfen 768 Personen
5.) neues Krematorium V
8 Muffelöfen 768 Personen
Insges. bei 24 Stündiger Arbeitszeit 4756 Personen
Der Leiter der Zentralbauleitung
Akt.-Janisch- Bauw. der Waffen-SS und Polizei Auschwitz
Akt.-Janisch– Bauw.
” -Kirschneck
Registratur K. G. L. BW. 30
June 28, 1943
Subject: Completion of Crematorium III
Reference: None
Attachment: None
To the
SS Economic and Administrative Main Office, Chief of Department C
SS-Brigadeführer and Major General Dr.-Ing. Kammler
Unter den Eichen 126-135
I report the completion of Crematorium III as of June 6, 1943. Thus, all ordered crematoria are now completed.
Capacity of the currently available crematoria, based on 24-hour operation:
1.) Old Crematorium I
3×2 muffle furnaces 340 persons
2.) New Crematorium at K.G.L. II
5×3 muffle furnaces 1,440 persons
3.) New Crematorium III
5×3 muffle furnaces 1,440 persons
4.) New Crematorium IV
8 muffle furnaces 768 persons
5.) New Crematorium V
8 muffle furnaces 768 persons
Total for 24-hour operation: 4,756 persons
Head of the Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz
File Janisch Construction
” Kirschneck
Registry K.G.L. BW. 30
Archivial reference:
Российский государственный военный архив (RGVA), 502-1-314
Image reference:
1st image: (offline)
2nd image: Annegret Schüle, Industrie und Holocaust, Wallstein Verlag, 2010, p. 460.
Further Reading:
Jean-Claude Pressac, Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, p. 247
French article on