In March 1942, the Inspector of the Health Service under the Reich Commissary for the Consolidation of German Folk ordered 1,641 kg of chlorinated lime, which was commonly used as a disinfectant. The delivery was processed by Kopernikus Pharmacy in Posen and billed on 31 March 1942. The payment for the shipment, which was unloaded at Warthbrücken, the nearest train station to the Kulmhof extermination camp (Chełmno), was made through the special account of the Ghetto Administration in Litzmannstadt (Łódź Ghetto) through which the extermination camp was funded.

Pharmazeut Heinrich Weiß
Posen, Berlinerstraße 18
Telefon 23-58
Kreditverein Posen, Berlinerstrasse 1
Deutsche Apothekerbank, Berlin W 35
Kluck-Straße 3
Posen, den 31. März 1942
Für den Beauftragten des Reichskommissars für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums
Abt. I/G. Inspekteur des Gesundheitswesens
SS-Sturmbannführer Dr. Krist
Laut Ihrer Bestellung vom 12.3.42. wurden bahnlagernd Warthbrücken geliefert:
1641 kg. Chlorkalk (5 Fässer) 599,46
15% Abschlag 89,92
Zustellung lt. Rechnungsabschrift 99,95
Rm 609,49
Die Richtigkeit wird bestätigt
überwiesen durch Beleg #141823
Kopernikus Pharmacy
Pharmacist Heinrich Weiß
Posen, Berlinerstraße 18
Telephone 23-58
Bank account:
Kreditverein Posen, Berlinerstraße 1
German Pharmacist Bank, Berlin W 35
Kluck-Straße 3
Posen, March 31, 1942
For the representative of the Reich Commissary for the Consolidation of German Folk
Department I/G. Inspector of Health Services
SS-Sturmbannführer Dr. Krist
According to your order of March 12, 1942, the following was delivered via rail at Warthbrücken:
1641 kg of chlorinated lime (5 barrels) 599.46 RM
15% discount 89.92 RM
509.54 RM
Delivery as per invoice copy 99.95 RM
Total: 609.49 RM
The accuracy is confirmed
Transferred via receipt #141823
Archivial reference:
APL/221/29666 p. 133