1941-10-04 Himmler to Koppe: “The Sonderkommando is to be dispatched immediately”


In this intercepted radio communication dated 4 October 1941, Heinrich Himmler replied to Wilhelm Koppe that “the Sonderkommando is to be dispatched immediately”. This communcation refers to Koppe’s earlier messsage whether Sonderkommando Lange could be provided to clear an asylum in Veliky Novgorod as requested by the German army.


DQH de DPJ SQM Nr. 7 1345 113 SQP 155.
An Höheren SS und Pol.führer Posen, Gruppenführer GOPPE [sic!].
Das Sonderkommando ist sofort zu entsenden. Dem Ersuchen ist stattzugeben.
Gez. H. Himmler.

DQH de DPJ SQM Nr. 7 1345 113 SQP 155.
To the Higher SS and Police Leader Posen, Group Leader GOPPE [sic!].
The Sonderkommando is to be dispatched immediately. The request is to be granted.
signed H. Himmler.

Archivial reference:
PRO HW 16/32, ZIP/GPD 405, traffic 04.10.41, item 20

(courtesy of an internet user known as “TheBlackRabbitofInlé”)

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