The document authored by Hauptmann Speckmann from the regular police in Kalisch (Kalisz) describes the fate of 127 “Jews with children under 14 years,” deported from Kalisz by the Sonderkommando Lange on December 1, 1941. Notably, the memo recounts the escape of Mojsie Nejmanowicz, Sara Nejmanowicz, and Nechemja Nejmanowicz from the camp. Additionally, it mentions that “the baggage will be taken over by the Gestapo”. See also this report by the same author regarding a prior deportation supported by local police in Kalisch.

Kalisch, den 28 [sic] November 1941.
Liste der Juden mit Kindern bis unter 14 Jahr [sic]
Lfd. Nr. | Vor und | Zuname | Geburtsjahr | |
1. | Arenstein | Jakob | 1915 | Schäftmacher – Werkstätte |
2. | Arenstein | Gitla | 1915 | Schneiderin “ |
3. | Arenstein | Rozia | 1938 | |
4. | Arenstein | Sara | 1941 | |
[…] | ||||
125. | Boruchowicz | Lifcia | 1932 | Waisenkind |
126. | Löwenberg | Zita | 1928 | Waisenkind |
127. | Stein | Icek | 1934 | Waisenkind |
Die Juden unter lfd. Nr. 62, 63 u. 64 hatten sich aus dem Lager entfernt, sie waren nicht aufzufinden. Alle übrigen Juden der Liste sind heute befehlsgemäß überführt worden. Das Gepäck wird heute von der Gestapo übernommen.
Hauptmann d. Sch.
Kalisch, November 28, 1941
List of Jews with children under 14 years
No. | First Name | Surname | Year of birth | |
1. | Arenstein | Jakob | 1915 | shaft maker – workshop |
2. | Arenstein | Gitla | 1915 | seamstress “ |
3. | Arenstein | Rozia | 1938 | |
4. | Arenstein | Sara | 1941 | |
[…] | ||||
125. | Boruchowicz | Lifcia | 1932 | orphan |
126. | Löwenberg | Zita | 1928 | orphan |
127. | Stein | Icek | 1934 | orphan |
The Jews listed under running numbers 62, 63, and 64 had left the camp; they could not be found. All other Jews on the list were transferred today as ordered. The baggage will be taken over by the Gestapo today.
Captain of the Schutzpolizei
December 1, 1941
Archivial reference:
IPN GK 755-24, p. 5-7
The document is cited in:
Alberti, Die Verfolgung und Vernichtung der Juden im Reichsgau Wartheland 1939-1945, p. 415 – 416