The Chief of the Security Police and SD
Berlin, October 2, 1941
– IVA 1 – Ref. No. 1 B/41 – Secret Reich Matter –
[Secret Reich Matter]
48 copies, 36th copy
Event Report USSR No. 101.
I. Reports of the Einsatzgruppen and Units.
No reports are available from Einsatzgruppen A and B.
Einsatzgruppe C:
Location: Kiev.
The Sonderkommando 4a, in cooperation with the group staff and two units of the South Police Regiment, executed 33,771 Jews in Kiev on September 29 and 30, 1941.
Einsatzgruppe D:
Location: Nikolaev.
The clearance of the area by the units of Jews and communist elements continued. Particularly, the cities of Nikolaev and Kherson were cleared of Jews during the reporting period, and any remaining functionaries were treated accordingly. Between September 16 and 30, 22,467 Jews and Communists were executed, bringing the total to 35,782. Investigations once again revealed that high-ranking Communist officials had largely escaped. Those captured were primarily leading partisans or leaders of sabotage squads. Investigative activity on partisan groups continued. It was discovered that the Soviets had encouraged the formation of partisan groups and recruitment into the Red Army at meetings for years. Partisan fighting and training were significant training topics. Initially, recruitment was voluntary, but after the outbreak of hostilities, drafts similar to those for construction companies were also conducted for partisan groups among conscript-age men. The division into groups of three, five, and ten was intended to facilitate rapid and secure operations. There is an impression that the spread of partisan warfare was limited because many senior partisan leaders had fled, and the initiative of individual members was largely lost due to decades of training for dependency and waiting for instructions.
In Nikolaev, a Jew was captured as the leader of a paratrooper defense squad that killed 43 German soldiers in combat. A leader of a sniper squad that carried out ambushes on advancing troops was also captured. His 12-year-old son, who carried a heavy machine gun, was with him. Three Jews were captured from a partisan company deployed near Novy-Bug. The company was dressed in civilian clothing but equipped with rifles and light machine guns. A cache containing 15 rifles, explosive and incendiary ammunition, and loaded machine gun boxes was seized. The Einsatzgruppe obtained instructions for organizing and operating partisan units and sabotage groups. The instructions were very detailed. In every large enterprise, destruction squads were set up at the outbreak of war to destroy essential facilities. Investigations revealed that large sabotage squads had been deployed, but explosions or arson were typically carried out only by a few leading employees and reliable Communists. Individual saboteurs were arrested or otherwise dealt with, including a firemaster from the NKVD fire brigade who flooded grain silos and another individual who ordered the looting and arson of a large cotton mill.
An NKVD agent was apprehended near Odessa, who had assembled a crop destruction group. Investigations on the Bandera group were particularly initiated in Nikolaev. The mayor is a follower of Melnik. According to his statements, Jary, whose wife and mother are Jewish, is the primary instigator of the Bandera group. His father is Czech. Jary played a significant role in communist influence on the Bandera group. Of the 195 members of the self-defense in Nikolaev, eight were identified as members of the Bandera group. This is an indication of how well-informed the intelligence of this group is, as the rumor is spreading among the self-defense members that the Security Police will soon search for Bandera members in Nikolaev, as happened in Zhytomyr and Kirovohrad. The eight self-defense members are behaving impeccably. Economically, the price issue is of primary concern. Although uniform prices for agricultural products have been mandated, they vary greatly locally and are already close to Reich levels, such as 2.50 Reichsmarks per kilogram for butter. The Economic Command of the Army Group Command was advised of the dangers that may arise regarding the exploitation of the areas and wage developments. The units are also working to restore field operations and essential enterprises in German communities. The next harvest is endangered due to a lack of seeds. A unit stationed in Annenthal near Grigoryevka managed to retrieve the ethnic Germans threatened by 390 parachutists and 2000 landed marines. A parachutist was killed in a firefight, and several others were captured. The Reds were able to establish contact with the Odessa front, thus expanding the Red operations area around Odessa. According to prisoner statements, the new base near Grigoryevka is intended as a retreat and embarkation point for the Odessa garrison. So far, the Romanians have not succeeded in repelling the landing forces.
II. Military Events.
Army Group South:
In Crimea, the enemy holds the narrow area north of Yushun. In the area east of Dnipropetrovsk, a larger enemy group was destroyed. The enemy remains defensive on the front against Kharkiv.
North of Crimea:
Parts of the army are engaged in expanding the breach into the field positions northeast of Yushun. On the eastern front, the enemy was pushed back to Balki and further south. The line runs just west of Malaya Biloserka—5 km west of Balki. Vedyanoye has been reported as enemy-free.
North of Dnipropetrovsk:
Enemy resistance was broken at Snamenka, and the advance continued toward St. Mishirichi. A division was deployed to advance toward Krasnograd. The area around Svobodnaya was reached, and reconnaissance was pushed forward to Popaskoye and Mikhailovka. Other parts of the division advanced to Pereshchepino and established a bridgehead there.
Front before Kharkiv:
South of Krasnograd, another bridgehead was established. A village was taken at the road-railway junction 15 km northeast of Krasnograd, with bridges intact. The high ground east of Sudorenkova was taken, and the area southwest of Ditanka was reached with other units.
Army Group Center:
The surprising attack by the tank group encountered a mobile fighting enemy who attempted to hold the ground everywhere. A stronger enemy presence remains at the Psel section and in the area around Byelopolye.
Southern Flank:
At the Psel section, security forces stand between Gadyach and Lebedin. In the attack, an Army Corps reached the railway line east of Glukhiv-Kruglaya-Polyana area east of Orlovka. Further east, the Porochnya railway line in the area west of Kamenka, northeast of Oltar, was reached.
Army Group North:
In front of Army Group North, the enemy’s combat activity south of Lake Ilmen and along the front between Volkhov and Lake Ladoga noticeably declined on September 30.
Eastern Front:
Northeast of Demyansk, reconnaissance reported high enemy casualties.
Northern Front:
A landing attempt southeast of Schlüsselburg was repelled. An enemy force crossing the Neva 4 km south of Schlüsselburg was destroyed. Our heaviest flat-fire battery shelled the battleship “October Revolution,” where hits were observed, as well as a cruiser in the Oranienburg harbor.
Baltic Islands:
On Ösel, against the enemy resistance strengthening again on the Sorve Peninsula, the area east of the southern bay’s edge north of Kargi was reached.
Southeast Front: Karelian Army: A local attack gained ground in the Lodeynoye Pole area. In the attack from the southeast, a ranger regiment reached the outskirts of Petrozavodsk. In the attack from the west, the area 50 km northwest of Petrozavodsk was reached on the road to Spaskaya Guba.
Serbia: A firefight occurred between Serbian police forces and communists in Belgrade. As a reprisal, 150 communists were executed. The Communist Party office was seized; a passport center for communists was shut down in a suburb 5 km southeast of the capital. Near Krusevac, Cetniks proved effective in fighting communists.